About AI Medical Imaging Platform for singapore public healthcare (AIMSG)

Medical imaging is an important component of modern healthcare delivery. It ensures appropriate screening and diagnosis, enables preventive care and allows appropriate management of diseases. It also provides important prognostic data and risk stratification of health-related outcomes.

AI has been widely positioned as being the most important and potentially disruptive recent advancement in radiology. Singapore radiologists have been quick to embrace this technology as part of the natural progression of the discipline toward a vision of how clinical medicine, empowered by technology, can deliver value-based and patient-centric care.

The AI Medical Imaging Platform (AimSG) is conceptualised to accelerate the adoption of AI in radiology now, and other medical imaging disciplines in the future for Singapore’s public healthcare.

Provides an open and vendor-neutral platform

Provides access to a marketplace of AI solutions

Deploys and operationalises AI solutions

Supports the development and trial of AI solutions


AI Medical Imaging Platform at a glance

Widespread deployment and scaling of AI models and applications is difficult due to limitations in the current Medical Imaging AI solutions. To enable healthcare solutions to provide the best care for patients, solutions cannot be isolated to specific platforms and must be able to integrate with other systems. Additionally, data is the essential fuel for AI modelling development and testing, so access must also be made simpler and kept secure.
Synapxe and its partners created possibly the region’s first common AI Medical Imaging Platform, AimSG, an open and vendor neutral platform that can implement AI models from various sources. Essentially, this will be the “app store” for the use of AI by medical imaging professionals. This solution will address the complex challenges faced in delivering quality healthcare today. 
Depending on the implementation, an AI-augmented medical imaging workflow can lead to improvements in clinical outcomes and productivity. For example, the AI results can be used to triage and flag out abnormalities, detect early sign of diseases or act as a second peer AI-reader to improve accuracy by complementing the human experts.
Future Outlook
The AimSG platform was used to pilot two AI models, CAPE and Lunit Chest X-ray AI model. These use cases were tested at two general hospitals in Singapore. In its next phase of development, AimSG will broaden its coverage to mammograms as well as other imaging modalities.

With a longer life expectancy in Singapore, an ageing population, and a rising impact of chronic diseases such as hypertension and hyperlipidaemia, there are demands to leverage AI technology to support the healthcare system in its fight against the diseases. This could potentially slow down the rise in the disease burden to our society.


Minister of Health


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