About iConnect.COVID

iConnect.COVID was developed to manage COVID-19 swab tests done at polyclinics. The system seeks to significantly improve patient and clinician experience in swab-related registration, results management and results notification...

Automate care processes

Automate administrative data population at the point-of-care


iConnect.COVID at a glance

Polyclinic staff across the 20 different polyclinics in Singapore used to spend a considerable amount of time manually tracking and updating thousands of patients of their COVID-19 results, via separate systems and internal tracking sheets. The existing iConnect system can be repurposed and integrated with lab test results for tracking by relevant parties such as the Ministry of Health, instead of updating manually using Microsoft Excel.
iConnect.COVID automates care processes, freeing up healthcare staff from having to update data manually. When patients arrive, clinicians register them seamlessly with the automated population of administrative data at the point-of-care. Swab, Serology and ART test results are updated in the same system once they are available from the testing labs, and the application then notifies patients with negative results via SMS.
iConnect.COVID helped frontline healthcare staff in the management of information flow and communication with patients, saving an estimated 30 minutes per patient through the automated process. Patients could also receive better care coordination within the healthcare ecosystem. iConnect.COVID also provided data exchange via API interface to external healthcare systems to enable further COVID-19 related data analysis for nationwide reports.
Future Outlook
As of early 2023, iConnect.COVID has been implemented at all National University Polyclinics, National Healthcare Group Polyclinics and SingHealth Polyclinics. New polyclinics, such as Sembawang, Khatib and Jurong, will also be onboarded in the coming years.

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